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CLICK HERE TO WATCH OUR FEATURED VIDEO!!!! is a protest web site dedicated to preserving the right to free speech.

We began as a simple production company with the dream of making horror movies (still apart of our agenda) but as we became more involved in tv, web and media it became apparent to us that the media as an industry suffers from a disturbing flaw. That flaw is the element of control that both governments and corporations (sponsorships) have over content which for film makers or videographers can mean the loss of creative control and worse in the case of journalism this can mean the complete distortion of the truth.

The purpose of this web site is for us to maintain creative control over our productions, enjoy a non censored environment by which to express ourselves, but also to not depend on corporate endorsements for continuous growth so that we can offer free promotions for local venues and art.

We are not a religious organisation as our name might insinuate. The name simply states the nature of our endeavour as a movement. Because the internet is growing as a mainstream media distributor there are very real attempts to begin excersising more control over internet content and this cannot be allowed to happen. The internet as a medium of expression represents freedom and must never be censored. is based out of Kelowna B.C and we are now branching out to Calgary, Alberta through our sister organisation, Apollyon Media.


apollyon Media

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